成果名称 |
负责人 |
期刊名称 |
收录转载情况 |
Dark-field ghost imaging |
曹德忠 |
Optics Express |
SCI二区 |
Low lattice thermal conductivity and high figure of merit in p-type doped K3IO |
戴振宏 |
Chinese Physics B |
SCI三区 |
The structural, electronic and optic properties in a series of M2XY (M = Ga, In; X,Y = S, Se, Te) Janus monolayer materials based on GW and the Bethe-Salpeter equation |
戴振宏 |
SCI四区 |
First-principles study of phonon thermal transport in II–VI group graphenelike materials |
戴振宏 |
SCI四区 |
Phonon thermal transport in Janus single layer M2XY (M=Ga; X, Y=S, Se,Te): A study based on first-principles |
戴振宏 |
SCI二区 |
A comprehensive study of phonon thermal transport in 2D IV-VI semiconductors MX (M = Ge, Sn; X = S, Se) |
戴振宏 |
Physics Letters A |
SCI三区 |
A comprehensive phonon thermal transport study of 2D hexagonal MX2 and orthorhombic M2X3 (M = Ni, Pd; X = S, Se and Te) |
戴振宏 |
Materials Today Communications |
SCI三区 |
Low thermal conductivity and good thermoelectric performance in mercury chalcogenides |
戴振宏 |
SCI三区 |
基于次级拉曼模的固体激光器的数值模拟研究 |
丁双红 |
中国激光 |
主动调Q次级拉曼模激光器的研究 |
丁双红 |
光学学报 |
EI收录 |
Numerical analysis of synchronously pumped solid-state Raman lasers |
丁双红 |
Optics Express |
SCI二区 |
Analysis of actively Q-switched infrared Raman lasers with crystalline media of multi-Raman-modes |
丁双红 |
Infrared Physics & Technology |
Revisiting wrong sign Yukawa coupling of type II two-Higgs-doublet model in light of recent LHC data |
韩小芳 |
SCI二区 |
Color-stable white phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes based on double bipolar mixed-host layer |
高颖 |
SCI三区 |
Secrecy Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks over Generalized Fading Channels |
贺鹏飞 |
SCI四区 |
一种面向低真空环境的质量分析方法仿真研究 |
姜佩贺 |
质谱学报 |
EI收录 |
Range-Doppler Sidelobe Suppression for Pulsed Radar Based on Golay Complementary Codes |
姜佩贺 |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
SCI三区 |
Feature Guided CNN for baby's facial expression recognition |
姜佩贺 |
Complexity |
SCI三区 |
Low-Vacuum Quadrupole Mass Filter Using a Drift Gas |
姜佩贺 |
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry |
SCI四区 |
Resonant contributions to three-body B → KKK decays in perturbative QCD approach |
李营 |
European Physical Journal C |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Branching fractions and CP asymmetries of the quasi-two-body decays in Bs→K0(K0)K±π∓within PQCD approach |
李营 |
European Physical Journal C |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
ST-ETM: A Spatial-Temporal Emergency Topic Model for Public Opinion Identifying in Social Networks |
刘霞 |
SCI三区 |
A user-based aggregation topic model for understanding user’s preference and intention in social network |
刘霞 |
SCI二区 |
多波段前视红外图像融合的海面杂乱背景平滑方法 |
娄树理 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
SCI三区 |
基于多尺度局部对比度的前视红外舰船目标增强 |
娄树理 |
电光与控制 |
北大核心 |
Performance improvement of organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells using complementary plasmonic gold nanorods |
柳志海 |
Organic Electronics |
Non-equivalent Tl doping for high performance perovskite solar cells: Crystal quality improvement with enhanced p-type character |
柳志海 |
Journal of Power Sources |
Improving the performance of lead-acetate-based perovskite solar cells using solvent controlled crystallization process |
柳志海 |
Organic Electronics |
Improving the performance of inverted two-dimensional perovskite solar cells by adding an anti-solvent into the perovskite precursor |
柳志海 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry C |
High performance two-dimensional perovskite solar cells based on solvent induced morphology control of perovskite layers |
柳志海 |
Chemical Physics Letters |
Crystallization management for high-performance perovskite solar cells by introducing an antisolvent into the perovskite precursor |
柳志海 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry C |
The light sgoldstino phenomenology: explanations for the muon (g−2) deviation and KOTO anomaly |
刘学文 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI一区,自然指数收录 |
Optically injected nanolasers for time-delay signature suppression and communications |
穆鹏华 |
SCI二区 |
Generation of NLFM microwave waveforms based on controlled period-one dynamics of semiconductor lasers |
穆鹏华 |
SCI二区 |
Enhancing time-delay suppression in a semiconductor laser with chaotic optical injection via parameter mismatch |
穆鹏华 |
SCI二区 |
基于概率耦合的双直接判决先验信噪比估计算法 |
欧世峰 |
电子学报 |
EI |
Adjustable unidirectional beam splitters in two dimensional photonic crystals |
任承 |
Optical and Quantum Electronics |
SCI四区 |
High power passively Q-switched Tmc+:(LuxGd1-x)3Ga5O12 laser based on boron nitride |
申英杰 |
Optics and Laser Technology |
SCI二区 |
High-power long-wave infrared laser based on polarization beam coupling technique |
申英杰 |
High Power Laser Science and Engineering |
SCI二区 |
A high-beam-quality passively Q-switched 2 μm solid-state laser with a WSe2 saturable absorber |
申英杰 |
Optics and Laser Technology |
SCI二区 |
Passive mode-locking operation of a diode-pumped Tm:YAG laser with a MoS2 saturable absorber |
申英杰 |
Optics and Laser Technology |
SCI二区 |
Passive Q-Switched Operation of a Tm:YAP Laser with the MoSe2 Saturable Absorber |
申英杰 |
Journal of Russian Laser Research |
SCI四区 |
Continuous-wave mode-locked Tm:YAG laser with GaAs-based SESAM |
申英杰 |
Infrared Physics and Technology |
SCI三区 |
Coincidence angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy: Proposal for detection of two-particle correlations |
苏跃华 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区 |
微波水热法氧化锌的低温合成及发光特性研究 |
孙元平 |
betway88必威东盟体育学报( 自然科学与工程版) |
北大核心 |
Computational ghost imaging with discrete stochastic sources |
王翀 |
SCI三区 |
Haze Removal by Modeling the Scattering Properties of the Medium |
王蕊 |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
SCI三区 |
Altering magnetic response of superconductors by rotation |
王军平 |
Physics Letters A |
SCI三区 |
Structure and Magnetic Properties of Multiferroic DyMnO3 Epitaxial Thin Films Grown on Different Substrates |
王伟田 |
Journal of Magnetics |
SCI四区 |
Fabrication and Transport Properties of DyMnO3/SrTi0.99Nb0.01O3 Heteroepitaxial Structures |
王伟田 |
Journal of the Korean Physical Society |
SCI四区 |
Fabrication and Electrical Transport Characteristics of All-PerovskiteOxide DyMnO3 / Nb-1.0 wt% Doped SrTiO3 Heterostructures |
王伟田 |
Korean J. Mater. Res. |
EI Compendex收录 |
P3 equation steady-state model of light transport in semi-infinite thick rectangular medium |
王喜昌 |
SCI三区 |
Research on encoding and decoding algorithms of non-binary LDPC code and FPGA implementation |
王中训 |
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering |
EI收录期刊 |
Nonbinary Low-Density Parity Check Decoding Algorithm Research-Based Majority Logic Decoding |
王中训 |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition |
EI收录期刊 |
Flat lenses based on 2D perovskite nanosheets |
王子昱 |
Advanced Materials |
SCI一区 |
Real-time continuous calibration method for an ultraviolet camera |
武魁军 |
Optics Letters |
SCI二区 |
Heterogeneity-Aware Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Optimization in Dense Small Cell Networks |
吴世娥 |
IEEE Access |
SCI三区,自然指数收录 |
Multiple magnetic phase transitions in NixMn1-xCo2O4 |
徐大印 |
Ceramics International |
SCI二区 |
Significantly enhanced photocurrent density in NiCo2O4/a-C/Si photoanode for water splitting |
徐大印 |
Applied Surface Science |
SCI一区 |
Morphology and growth mechanism of amorphous silicon carbide sputtered on anodic aluminum template by radio frequency |
徐大印 |
Ceramics International |
SCI二区 |
Studying the localized CP violation and the branching fraction of the B¯0→K-π+π+π- decay* |
徐晶 |
Chinese Physics C |
SCI二区 |
Studying the D1D molecule in the Bethe-Salpeter equation approach |
徐晶 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Cooperative chemisorption of polysulfides via 2D hexagonal WS2-rimmed Co9S8 heterostructures for lithium–sulfur batteries |
赵浩 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
SCI一区 |
High-performance 3 V “water in salt” aqueous asymmetric supercapacitors based on VN nanowire electrodes |
赵浩 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry A |
SCI一区 |
Synthesis of high-performance TiN based battery-type wire supercapacitors and their energy storage mechanisms |
赵浩 |
Electrochimica Acta |
SCI二区 |
Highly enhanced electrochemical cycling stabilities of hierarchical partially-embedded MnO/carbon nanofiber composites as supercapacitor electrodes |
赵浩 |
Materials Science and Engineering: B |
SCI二区 |
Doping induced charge density wave in monolayer TiS2 and phonon-mediated superconductivity |
赵银昌 |
Journal of Applied Physics |
SCI三区 |
MgB4 trilayer film: A four-gap superconductor |
赵银昌 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区 |
Quartic anharmonicity and anomalous thermal conductivity in cubic antiperovskites A3BO ( A=K, Rb; B=Br, Au ) |
赵银昌 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区 |
Anomalous electronic and thermoelectric transport properties in cubic Rb3AuO antiperovskite |
赵银昌 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区 |
Motif based high-throughput structure prediction of superconducting monolayer titanium boride |
赵银昌 |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics |
SCI二区 |
B0d,s→f1f1 decays with f1(1285)-f1(1420)mixing in the perturbative QCD approach |
邹芝田 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区 |
Unsupervised Manifold-Preserving and Weakly Redundant Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Imagery |
隋晨红 |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
SCI一区 |
Sparse unmixing of hyperspectral data with bandwise model |
隋晨红 |
Information Sciences |
SCI二区 |
One-dimensional one-band topologically non-Hermitian system simulated in optical cavities |
孙伯业 |
Physical Review A |
Temperature-resolved photoluminescence, Raman and electrical properties of Li doped Ga2O3 nanostructure |
张骏 |
Ceramics International |
SCI二区 Top |
Morphological evolution, luminescence properties and a high-sensitivity ethanol gas sensor based on 3D flower-like MoS2–ZnO micro/nanosphere arrays |
张骏 |
Ceramics International |
SCI二区Top |
Structural features, low-temperature luminescence properties of Li-doped SnO2 nanobelts and their transitional temperature |
张骏 |
Journal of Luminescence |
SCI二区 |
Influence of Zn doping on the morphology and luminescence of Ga2O3 low- dimensional nanostructures |
张骏 |
Journal of Luminescence |
SCI二区 |
Top quark as a probe of heavy Majorana neutrino at the LHC and future colliders |
祝斌 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区 |
Simple model for large CP violation in charm decays, B-physics anomalies, muon g-2 and dark matter |
祝斌 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI一区 |
Connecting between inflation and dark matter in models with gauged Z3 symmetry |
祝斌 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI一区 |
Light gravitino dark matter: LHC searches and the Hubble tension |
祝斌 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区 |
Atmospheric dark matter and XENON1T excess |
祝斌 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区 |
The Performance Evaluation of Big Data-Driven Modulation Classification in Complex Environment |
蔡卓燃 |
SCI三区 |
Correlated reconstruction for the phase-only Fourier hologram with incoherent illumination |
曹德忠 |
Journal of Optics |
SCI三区 |
Observation of positive–negative sub‑wavelength interference without intensity correlation calculation
曹德忠 |
Scientific Reports |
SCI三区 |
Full-color photon-counting single-pixel imaging |
曹德忠 |
Optics Letters |
SCI二区 |
Positive-Negative Ghost Imaging with Statistics of Realizations |
曹德忠 |
Physical Review Applied |
SCI二区 |
Complex-amplitude single-pixel imaging using coherent structured illumination |
曹德忠 |
Optics Express |
SCI二区 |
Ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric efficiency of K3AuO |
戴振宏 |
SCI三区 |
Quartic anharmonicity and ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity of alkali antimonide compounds M3Sb (M = K, Rb and Cs) |
戴振宏 |
SCI二区 |
Low lattice thermal conductivity and high figure of merit in n-type doped full-Heusler compounds X2YAu (X = Sr, Ba; Y = as, Sb) |
戴振宏 |
SCI二区 |
工作环境下PSD系统精度测定 |
董言治 |
betway88必威东盟体育学报(自然科学与工程版) |
北大核心 |
远距离定位系统中红外同步子系统构建 |
董言治 |
betway88必威东盟体育学报(自然科学与工程版) |
北大核心 |
基于IIS2DH的振动信号处理与传感器设计 |
姜佩贺 |
仪表技术与传感器 |
北大核心 |
High sensitivity and ultra compact fiber-optic microtip SPR thermometer coated with Ag/PDMS bilayer film |
孔令鑫 |
Optical Fiber Technology |
SCI四区 |
Continuous-wave Nd:KGd(WO4)2 single longitudinal-mode laser |
兰瑞君 |
Chinese Physics B |
SCI三区 |
An energetic phase of ZnN6 at ambient conditions |
李建福 |
Physica B: Condensed Matter |
SCI三区 |
矢量重味介子的径向激发态 |
李作宏 |
betway88必威东盟体育学报 |
北大核心 |
Investigation on effects of new physics in c→(s,d)l ν transitions |
李营 |
Chinese Physics C |
SCI二区 |
A Multifeature Complementary Attention Mechanism for Image Topic Representation in Social Networks |
刘霞 |
SCI四区 |
Cross‐media search method based on complementary attention and generative adversarial network for social networks |
刘霞 |
SCI一区 |
Heavy dark matter and gravitational waves |
刘学文 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Probing superheavy dark matter with gravitational waves |
刘学文 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Stability and efficiency improved perovskite solar cells through tuning the hydrophobicity of the hole transport layer with an organic semiconductor |
柳志海 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry C |
SCI二区 2 |
Performance improvement of inverted two dimensional perovskite solar cells using a non-fullerene acceptor as the trap passivator |
柳志海 |
Sustainable Energy & Fuels |
Morphology control of SnO2 layer by solvent engineering for efficient perovskite solar cells |
柳志海 |
Solar Energy |
Electron-transport-layer-free two-dimensional perovskite solar cells based on a flexible poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) cathode |
柳志海 |
Sustainable Energy & Fuels |
Cesium-doping for performance improvement of lead(II)-acetate-based perovskite solar cells |
柳志海 |
Materials |
An organic-inorganic hybrid hole transport bilayer for improving the performance of perovskite solar cells |
柳志海 |
Chemical Physics |
A combined chrome oxide and titanium oxide based electron-transport layer for high-performance perovskite solar cells |
柳志海 |
Chemical Physics Letters |
Hole-Transport-Underlayer-Induced Crystallization Management of Two-Dimensional Perovskites for High-Performance Inverted Solar Cells |
柳志海 |
ACS Applied Energy Materials |
High spectral and spatial resolved encryption and decryption of 3D color object based on holographic imaging spectroscopy |
娄树理 |
Optics and Lasers in Engineering |
SCI二区 |
The electromagnetic waves propagating parallel to the magnetic field in a uniform magnetized plasma with a transverse electric field |
明玥 |
SCI三区 |
Chaos Time Delay Signature Suppression Assisted by a Phased Array With Four Different Waveguide Structures |
穆鹏华 |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electroncis |
SCI三区 |
Characterizing the chaotic dynamics of a semiconductor nanolaser subjected to FBG feedback |
穆鹏华 |
SCI二区 |
外场调控下的纳米激光时延隐藏及不可预测性提升 |
穆鹏华 |
物理学报 |
SCI三区 |
基于激光器阵列后处理的混沌熵源 |
穆鹏华 |
物理学报 |
SCI三区 |
Blind Image Separation Method Based on Cascade Generative Adversarial Networks |
倪梦莹 |
Applied Sciences |
SCI三区 |
A New Sparse Kernel RLS Algorithm for Identification of Nonlinear Systems |
欧世峰 |
IEEE access |
SCI三区 |
Dynamic modulation in graphene-integrated silicon photonic crystal nanocavity |
任承 |
Chinese Physics B |
SCI三区 |
Coincidence inelastic neutron scattering for detection of two-spin magnetic correlations |
苏跃华 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Lattice expansion and melting of spin glass state in the honeycomb antiferromagnet Bi3Mn4O12(NO3) |
苏跃华 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
SCI二区 |
Improved efficiency, stable spectra and low efficiency roll-off achieved simultaneously in white phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes by strategic exciton management
盛任 |
Organic Electronics
SCI三区 |
Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Adaptive Region Search |
隋晨红 |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
SCI二区 |
Multi-grained Attention Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion |
隋晨红 |
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement |
SCI三区 |
二硫化钼自组装微球的制备及其吸附性能 |
孙元平 |
betway88必威东盟体育学报( 自然科学与工程版) |
北大核心 |
外加谐振电压时电容器的电容和电感 |
孙玉明 |
betway88必威东盟体育学报 |
CWDV-Hop: A Hybrid Localization Algorithm With Distance-Weight DV-Hop and CSO for Wireless Sensor Networks |
王蕊 |
SCI三区 |
Optical properties of anatase and rutile TiO2 films deposited by using a pulsed laser |
王伟田 |
Applied Optics |
SCI四区 |
Optical properties oftransition‑metal oxide thin flms deposited using a pulsed laser |
王伟田 |
Journal of the Korean Physical Society |
SCI四区 |
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Vanadium Pentoxide Films Prepared by Pulsed-Laser Deposition |
王伟田 |
Korean J. Mater. Res. |
EI Compendex收录 |
Improved Dielectric Properties and Grain Boundary Effect of Phenanthrene Under High Pressure |
王晓丽 |
Frontiers in Physics |
SCI三区 |
Conduction transition and electronic conductivity enhancement of cesium azide by pressuredirected grain boundary engineering |
王晓丽 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry C |
SCI一区 |
Stable nitrogen-rich scandium nitrides and their bonding features under ambient conditions |
王晓丽 |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics |
SCI三区 |
Digital Image Encryption Test System Based on FPGA and Nios II Soft Core |
王中训 |
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences |
EI收录期刊 |
Low Density Parity-Check Codes Based on Affine Permutation Matrices |
王中训 |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence |
SCI四区 |
State of the Art and Prospects for Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals |
王子昱 |
ACS Nano |
SCI一区 |
Development of a self-calibration method for real-time monitoring of SO2 ship emissions with UV cameras |
武魁军 |
Optics Express |
SCI二区 |
Quantum cascade laser spectroscopy-based high-sensitive temperature measurement technology |
武魁军 |
Optical Engineering |
SCI四区 |
Muon g-2 anomaly and mu-tau-philic Higgs doublet with a light CP-even component |
王磊 |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Lepton-specific inert two-Higgs-doublet model confronted with the new results for muon and electron g-2 anomalies and multilepton searches at the LHC |
王磊 |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Filtered pseudo-scalar dark matter and gravitational waves from first order phase transition |
王磊 |
SCI二区 |
Dark matter, electroweak phase transition, and gravitational waves in the type II two-Higgs-doublet model with a singlet scalar field |
王磊 |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Dark matter, Z′, and vector-like quark at the LHC and b → sμμ anomaly |
王磊 |
SCI二区 |
Microstructure and photoluminescence properties of anodized aluminum oxide films treated by argon ion |
徐大印 |
Ceramics International |
SCI二区 |
Introducing Secondary Acceptors into Conjugated Polymers to Improve Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution |
赵浩 |
Macromolecules |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Deciphering the catalysis essence of vanadium self-intercalated two-dimensional vanadium sulfides (V5S8) on lithium polysulfide towards high-rate and ultra-stable Li-S batteries |
赵浩 |
Energy Storage Materials |
SCI一区 |
Lattice thermal conductivity including phonon frequency shifts and scattering rates induced by quartic anharmonicity in cubic oxide and fluoride perovskites |
赵银昌 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Three-gap superconductivity in two-dimensional InB2/InB4 films |
赵银昌 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Is fX(1500) observed in the B→π(K)KK decays ρ0(1450)? |
邹芝田 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Study of Quasi-two-body B(s) →ϕ(f0(980)/f2 (1270)→)ππ Decays in Perturbative QCD Approach |
邹芝田 |
European Physical Journal C |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Quasi-two-body B(s)→Vππ decays with resonance f0(980) in the PQCD approach |
邹芝田 |
Physical Review D |
SCI二区,自然指数收录 |
Influence of Li Doping on the Morphological Evolution and Optical & Electrical Properties of SnO2 Nanomaterials and SnO2/Li2SnO3 Composite Nanomaterials |
张骏 |
Ceramics International |
SCI二区, TOP |
Structural characterization & optical and electrical properties of LiGaO2 & LiGa5O8 nanoparticles-based photodetectors |
张骏 |
Journal of Alloy & Compounds |
SCI二区, TOP |
Hydrogenation as a source of superconductivity in two-dimensional TiB2 |
张超 |
International Journal of Modern Physics C |
SCI四区 |
Chemical physics of superconductivity in layered yttrium carbide halides from first principles |
张超 |
Physical Review B |
SCI二区、自然指数收录 |
Cage structure and near room-temperature superconductivity in TbHn (n = 1–12) |
张超 |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C |
SCI二区, TOP |
Topochemical Deintercalation of Li from Layered LiNiB: toward 2D Mbene |
张超 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society |
SCI一区,自然指数收录 |
Sparticle spectroscopy and dark matter in a U(1)B−L extension of MSSM |
祝斌 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI二区自然指数收录 |
Exothermic dark mesons in light of electron recoil excess at XENON1T |
祝斌 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI二区自然指数收录 |
Thermal relic of self-interacting dark matter with retarded decay of mediator |
祝斌 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI二区自然指数收录 |
Self-resonant dark matter |
祝斌 |
Journal of High Energy Physics |
SCI二区自然指数收录 |
A Novel Algorithm of Joint Probability Data Association Based on Loss |
刘云学 |
SCI四区 |