1. 宿晓敖, 2009年毕业,高级工程师,有研亿金新材料有限公司,销售大客户经理
2. 李贵通, 2011年毕业,高级工程师,双环集团贝迪斯电子有限公司,合金箔电阻技术负责人
3. 郭小青, 2012年毕业,山东烟台市第四中学高中一级教师
4. 赵银昌, 2013年毕业,清华大学博士,必威BETWAY官网教授
5. 张晓玲, 2013年毕业,中国科学院理论物理研究所,院士科研秘书
6. 王 森, 2014年毕业,工业工程师,昆山纬视晶光电有限公司
7. 徐 雷, 2015年毕业,中共临沂市市委机关政务保障中心副主任
8. 陈庆玲, 2016年毕业,西安芯瞳半导体技术有限公司项目主管
9. 高 松, 2017年毕业,上海星燧影视传媒有限公司副总经理
10.牛文超, 2018年毕业,北京工业大学博士,北京加科思新药研发有限公司计算化学研究员
11.杨修先, 2019年毕业,北京理工大学博士在读,2020年山东省优秀研究生
12.刘建业, 2020年毕业,北京工业大学博士在读,2021年山东省优秀研究生
13.钟 琦, 2021年毕业,南开大学博士在读
14.王巍强, 2022年毕业,北京工业大学博士在读
Zhenhong Dai Jinzuo Sun and Jun Ni。Properties of quantum dot and quantum-dot arrays,“Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Devices”,American Scientific Publishers(美国科学出版社),Chapter 12 Vol.2.
1.Thermal transport properties of anisotropic materials RbCaX (X = As, Sb) with strong anharmonicity,Computational Materials Science213 (2022) 111618。2022.07,Xuhao Song, Yinchang Zhao, Jun Ni, Sheng Meng , Zhenhong Dai.
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
2. The ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity dominated by the quartic anharmonicity in Bi-based binary compounds A3Bi (A = K, Rb).Europhysics Letters, 138 (2022) 56001,2022.05,Weiqiang Wang, Xichang Wang, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng and Zhenhong Dai
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
3.High thermal conductivity of carbon allotropes and its relationship withmechanical properties: A first-principles study.International Journal of Thermal Sciences176 (2022) 1074812022.02.Yanan Xiao, Junru Wang, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng, Zhenhong Dai.
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
4.Low lattice thermal conductivity of hydride-based cubic antiperovskites A3HB (a = Li, Na; B = S, se, Te) with higherorderanharmonicity correctionInternational Journalof Energy Research. 2022;1–11. 2022.02.Yanan Xiao,Pengfei Sui,Yinchang Zhao,Jun Ni,Sheng Meng,Zhenhong Dai
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
5.Ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity and anisotropic thermoelectric transport propertiesin Zintl compound b-K2Te2.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2022,Tongcai Yue, Baolong Xu, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng andZhenhong Dai.
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
6. Study on the thermoelectric properties of p-type doped CsCdF3and CsHgF3with quartic anharmonicityPhysics Letters A,428(2022)1279462022.01.WeiqiangWang, MinHe, YinchangZhao, ShengMeng, ZhenhongDai.
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
7.Theoretical prediction of mechanics, transport, and thermoelectric properties of full Heusler compounds Na2KSb and X2CsSb (X = K, Rb).Physical Review B105, 184304 (2022)2022.05,TongcaiYue, Pengfei Sui, Yinchang Zhao,Jun Ni, Sheng Meng, and Zhenhong Dai.
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
8.Thermoelectric performance in the binary semiconductor compound A2Se2 (A = K, Rb) with host-guest structure.Physical Review B105, 054305 (2022).Tongcai Yue, Yuming Sun, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng, and Zhenhong Dai.
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
1.Lattice thermal conductivity including phonon frequency shifts andscattering rates induced by quartic anharmonicity in cubic oxide and fluoride perovskites,Yinchang Zhao, Yinchang Zhao , Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Chao Lian , Zhenhong Dai, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni,Physical Review B104, 224304 (2021).
通讯作者地址:Zhao, Yinchang,Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Sch Optoelect Informat Sci & Technol, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
2.Low lattice thermal conductivity and high figure of merit in n-type doped full-Heusler compounds X2YAu (X = Sr, Ba; Y = as, Sb)Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Dai, ZH*(Dai, Zhenhong) Wang, XC (Wang, Xichang)
Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang)Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),International Journalof Energy Research,卷45期15,页20949-20958,2021.12,DOI10.1002/er.7154
通讯作者地址:Dai, Zhenhong;Zhao, Yinchang,Yantai Univ, Sch Optoelect Informat Sci & Technol, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
3.Ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric efficiency of K3AuO,Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi),Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong),Wang, JP (Wang, Junping).Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang),Meng, S (Meng, Sheng), Journalof Applied Physics,卷130,期4,文献号045101,DOI10.1063/5.0056604
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
4.A comprehensive phonon thermal transport study of 2D hexagonal MX2 and orthorhombic M2X3 (M = Ni, Pd; X = S, Se and Te),Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Materials Today Communications卷25文献号101441,DOI10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101441,出版时间DEC 2020
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
5.Low thermal conductivity and good thermoelectric performance in mercury chalcogenides,Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Computational Materials Science,卷188,DOI10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.110192,出版时间FEB 15 2021
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
6.Two-Dimensional Conductive Metal−Organic Frameworks as HighlyEfficient Electrocatalysts for Lithium−Sulfur Batteries,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2021, 13, 61205−61214.Junru Wang, Feng Li, Zhichao Liu, Zhenhong Dai, Shuxia Gao, and Mingwen Zhao
1.Phonon thermal transport in Janus single layer M2XY (M = Ga; X, Y = S, Se, Te): A study based on first-principles,zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S(Meng, Sheng)Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures
卷115,文献号113683DOI10.1016/j.physe.2019.113683,出版时间JAN 2020
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
2.The structural, electronic and optic properties in a series of M2XY (M = Ga, In; X,Y = S, Se, Te) Janus monolayer materials based on GW and the Bethe-Salpeter equation,Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)EUROPEANPhysical Journal B,卷93期7DOI10.1140/epjb/e2020-100408-0出版时间JUL 13 2020
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
3.Quartic anharmonicity and ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity of alkali antimonide compounds M3Sb (M = K, Rb and Cs)Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),International Journalof Energy Research,卷45期5页6958-6965DOI10.1002/er.6284出版时间APR 2021在线发表DEC 2020
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
4.A comprehensive study of phonon thermal transport in 2D IV-VI semiconductors MX (M = Ge, Sn; X = S, Se)Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Physics Letters A,卷384期27,DOI10.1016/j.physleta.2020.126676,出版时间SEP 28 2020。
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
5.Low lattice thermal conductivity and high figure of merit in p-type doped K3IO,Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Chinese Physics B,卷29期12DOI10.1088/1674-1056/abab83,出版时间DEC 2020
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
6.First-principles study of phonon thermal transport in II-VI group graphenelike materials。Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi)Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Journalof Vacuum Science & Technology A,卷38期6DOI10.1116/6.0000376, 出版时间DEC 2020
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
7.Quartic anharmonicity and anomalous thermal conductivity in cubic antiperovskites A(3)BO (A = K, Rb; B = Br, Au)Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B卷101期18DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.101.184303出版时间MAY 7 2020
通讯作者地址Zhao, Yinchang;Dai, ZhenhongYantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
8.MgB4 trilayer film: A four-gap superconductor,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Lian, C (Lian, Chao)Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B
9.Anomalous electronic and thermoelectric transport properties in cubic Rb3AuO antiperovskite,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B卷102期9DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.102.094314,
出版时间SEP 28 2020
1.The excellent TE performance of photoelectric material CdSe along with a study of Zn(Cd)Se and Zn(Cd)Te based on first-principles,Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi),Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)RSC ADVANCES卷9期44页25471-25479DOI10.1039/c9ra04748d
出版时间AUG 18 2019
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
2.Pressure induced excellent thermoelectric behavior in skutterudites CoSb3 and IrSb3,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian)Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Niu, WC (Niu, Wenchao) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics卷21期2页851-858DOI10.1039/c8cp04301a
出版时间JAN 14 2019
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
3.Comprehensive calculations and prominent thermoelectric properties of Li3P and Li3As,Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Physics Letters A卷383期23页2802-2808DOI10.1016/j.physleta.2019.05.048
出版时间AUG 12 2019
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
4.Two-gap and three-gap superconductivity in AlB2-based films,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) 1
Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Ni, J (Ni, Jun)Physical Review B卷100期9DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.100.094516
出版时间SEP 10 2019
5. Computational predicting spin semiconductors and half metals from doped phosphorene monolayers,
JH Feng,G Li,XF Meng,XD Jian,ZH Dai,YC Zhao,Z Zhou.Frontiers of Physicsvolume 14, Article number: 43604 (2019).10.1007/s11467-019-0904-5
6.Ab initio study on anisotropic thermoelectric transport in ternarypnictide KZnP,Jian Liu, Yinchang Zhao Chao Lian, Zhenhong Dai , Jia-Tao Sun and Sheng Meng,J.Phys.:Mater.2 (2019) 024001
1.Adsorptions of metal adatoms on graphene-like BC3 and their rich electronic properties: A first-principles study,Sui, PF (Sui, Pengfei) Dai, JQ (Dai, Jiaqi) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong)Chinese Physics B卷27期9,DOI10.1088/1674-1056/27/9/097311,出版时间SEP 2018
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
2.Low lattice thermal conductivity and excellent thermoelectric behavior in Li3Sb and Li3Bi,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng), Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter卷30期42DOI10.1088/1361-648X/aade17
出版时间OCT 24 2018
通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong;Zhao, Yinchang,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
3.Lattice thermodynamic behavior in nuclear fuel ThO2 from first principles,Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng).Journalof Nuclear Materials卷511页11-17DOI10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.08.054
出版时间DEC 1 2018
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
4.Phonon thermal transport in monolayer FeB2 from first principles,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Computational Materials Science卷147页132-136,DOI10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.01.050
出版时间MAY 2018
通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
5.Phonon thermal transport in a class of graphene allotropes from first principles,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) 1
Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang)Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics卷20期23页15980-15985DOI10.1039/c8cp00987b
出版时间JUN 21 2018
通讯作者地址Dai, ZhenhongYantai Univ, Sch Optoelect Informat Sci & Technol, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China
6.Multigap anisotropic superconductivity in borophenes,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Lian, C (Lian, Chao)Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B卷98期13,DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.98.134514,出版时间OCT 26 2018
7.Intrinsic electronic transport and thermoelectric power factor in n-type doped monolayer MoS2,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhang, C (Zhang, Chao) Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Li, G (Li, Geng) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Ni, J (Ni, Jun)New Journal Of Physics,卷20,DOI10.1088/1367-2630/aab338
出版时间APR 12 2018
通讯作者地址Zhao, Yinchang;Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai, Peoples R China
8.Robust quantum spin Hall state and quantum anomalous Hall state in graphenelike BC3 with adatoms,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Chen, X (Chen, Xi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong),Zhang, C (Zhang, Chao),Lian, C (Lian, Chao),Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming),Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),New Journal Of Physics卷20,DOI10.1088/1367-2630/aad357
出版时间JUL 26 2018
通讯作者地址Zhao, Yinchang;Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai, Peoples R China
9.First-principles energy and vibration spectrumsimulations of Cr/V interacting with H in W-basedalloy in a fusion reactor,Song Gao, Yue-Lin Liu, Zhen-Hong Dai, Quan-Fu Han & Fang Ding.Journalof Nuclear Science And Technology, VOL.55, NO.2123-137.
10.Mechanical anisotropy and ideal strength of ThBC,Xiao-Xue Qu, Kuan Cao, Hong Jiang, Yin-Chang Zhao, Zhen-Hong Dai, Yue-Hua Su, Chao Zhang.Journalof Physics And Chemistryof Solids122 (2018) 203–209./
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