赵银昌 教授
计算机在物理中的应用, 计算物理
本人于2016年6月获清华大学理学博士学位后,一直在必威BETWAY官网戴振宏课题组工作,主要从事二维材料、电声耦合、非谐晶格动力学、超导电性、电子输运、拓扑电子结构、霍尔效应等的第一性原理模拟与计算,目前致力于四声子散射、有限温电声耦合、极化子物理、激发态动力学、等离激元等方面的研究。至今已在《Physical Review B》、《Applied Physics Letters》等物理学经典期刊上发表SCI论文70余篇。欢迎有志向攻读名校博士学位,且吃苦耐劳、能坐得住、本科有良好物理和计算机基础的研究生加盟我们课题组,如果只是想混个硕士学位的同学请你一定绕道,否则3年的研究生生活你会过得很痛苦。目前我们课题组研究生待遇(不包括学校待遇):800元/月/人,一年发12个月,发表论文按照学校论文绩点给与额外奖励,暂定一个绩点1元。
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11974302,裂变产物对核材料热传导性能影响的理论研究,2020-01至2023-12,62万元,在研,参加
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11874318,新型超导氢化物的设计和电声耦合增强机制的研究,2019-01至2022-12,64万元,在研,参加
(4) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11704322,二维硼纳米材料及其衍生物的电声耦合作用的理论研究,2018-01至2020-12,25万元,结题,主持
(5) 山东省自然科学基金博士基金项目,ZR2017BA017,二维硼基材料的电子结构和超导电性研究,2017-08至2019-12,10万元,结题,主持
(6) 国家重点研发课题,2016YFB0700102,基于人工神经网络的材料基因设计程序开发,2016-07至2021-06,360万元,结题,参加
1.Tongcai Yue, Pengfei Sui,Yinchang Zhao*, Jun Ni*, Sheng Meng*, and Zhenhong Dai*, Theoretical prediction of mechanics, transport, and thermoelectric properties of full Heusler compounds Na2KSb and X2CsSb (X = K, Rb),Physical Review B105, 184304 (2022). (第一作者是课题组研究生,Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
2.Tongcai Yue, Yuming Sun,Yinchang Zhao*, Sheng Meng*, and Zhenhong Dai*,Thermoelectric performance in the binary semiconductor compound A2Se2(A=K, Rb) with host-guest structure,Physical Review B105, 054305 (2022). (第一作者是课题组研究生,Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
3.Yinchang Zhao*, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Chao Lian*, Zhenhong Dai*, Sheng Meng*, and Jun Ni,Lattice thermal conductivity including phonon frequency shifts and scattering rates induced by quartic anharmonicity in cubic oxide and fluoride perovskites,Physical Review B104, 224304 (2021). (Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
4.Yinchang Zhao*,Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai*,Sheng Meng*,and Jun Ni*, Anomalous electronic and thermoelectric transport properties in cubic Rb3AuO antiperovskite,Physical Review B102, 094314 (2020).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
5.Yinchang Zhao*,Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai*,Sheng Meng*,and Jun Ni*, Quartic anharmonicity and anomalous thermal conductivity in cubic antiperovskites A3BO (A=K, Rb; B=Br, Au),Physical Review B101, 184303 (2020).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
6.Yinchang Zhao*,Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai*,Sheng Meng*, and Jun Ni*, MgB4trilayer film: A four-gap superconductor,Physical Review B101, 104507 (2020).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
7.Yinchang Zhao*,Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Zhenhong Dai*,Sheng Meng*, and Jun Ni*, Two-gap and three-gap superconductivity in AlB2-based films,Physical Review B100, 094516 (2019).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
8.Yinchang Zhao*,Shuming Zeng,Chao Lian,Zhenhong Dai*,Sheng Meng*,and Jun Ni*,Multigap anisotropic superconductivity in borophenes,Physical Review B98, 134514 (2018).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
9.Yinchang Zhao*, Zhenhong Dai*, Chao Zhang, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Sheng Meng*, and Jun Ni*.High thermopower and potential thermoelectric properties of crystalline LiH and NaH,Physical Review B95,014307 (2017).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
10.Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, and Jun Ni*. Superconductivity in two-dimensional boron allotropes,Physical Review B93,014502 (2016).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)
11.Yinchang Zhao*, Zhenhong Dai*, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Jun Ni*, and Sheng Meng*.Low lattice thermal conductivity and good thermoelectric performance of cinnabar,Physical Review Materials1,065401 (2017).(中科院SCI三区)
12.Yinchang Zhao*, Zhenhong Dai*, Chao Zhang, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Sheng Meng*, and Jun Ni*, Robust quantum spin Hall state and quantum anomalous Hall state in graphenelike BC3with adatoms,New Journal of Physics20, 043009 (2018). (中科院SCI二区)
13.Yinchang Zhao*, Zhenhong Dai*, Chao Zhang, Chao Lian, Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Sheng Meng*, and Jun Ni*, Intrinsic electronic transport and thermoelectric power factor in n-type doped monolayer MoS2,New Journal of Physics20, 043009 (2018). (中科院SCI二区)
14.Yinchang Zhao, Shuming Zeng, and Jun Ni*. Phonon-mediated superconductivity in borophenes,Applied Physics Letter108,242601 (2016).(Nature Index收录的82种期刊之一,学校认定为SCI一区)