刘霞   博士

研究领域:    移动通信、物联网技术

毕业院校: 北京邮电大学

办公地点:    科技馆钟楼3702

电子邮箱:    ytuliuxia@ytu.edu.cn

研究方向:    认知无线电、车联网通信、智能计算

讲授课程:  Java程序设计、数据库原理及应用、未来移动通信(双语)、计算机编程课程设计




[1] Lei S, Guang Song, Gang C,X Liu,A user-based aggregation topic model for understanding user’s preference and intention in social network[J],Neurocomputing, 2020,vol.413,1-13,

[2] Dai L,Wang H,Liu X. ST-ETM: A Spatial-Temporal Emergency Topic Model for Public Opinion Identifying in Social Networks[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, PP(99):1-1.

[3] Liu X, Zeng Z, Guo C. Robust and Low-Complexity Cooperative Spectrum Sensing via Weighted Low Rank Matrix Recovery in Cooperative Cognitive Vehicular Networks [J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. vol.2018, 2018.

[4] 李季梅,刘霞,姚晓晖等.国家公园安全事件监测预警现状、挑战与对策——基于多源信息集成共享的研究[J].科技促进发展,2018,14(9):849-856

[5] Liu X, Zeng Z, Guo C. Cyclostationary spectrum sensing based channel estimation using complex exponential basis expansion model in cognitive vehicular networks [A]. // Proc of the 20th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) [C], Bali, Indonesia: IEEE, 2017:167-172.

[6] Liu X, Zeng Z, Guo C. Robust cooperative spectrum sensing in dense cognitive vehicular networks [A]. // Proc of IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) [C], Qingdao, China : IEEE, 2017:1-6.

[7] Liu X, Zeng Z, Guo C, et al. Performance analysis of spatial-temporal spectrum sensing for cognitive vehicular network [A]. // Proc of ACM the 3rd MobiHoc International Workshop on Mobile Sensing (MobiHoc) [C], Paderborn, Germany : ACM, 2016:1-6.

[8] Liu X, Zeng Z, Guo C, et al. Cognitive Radio Enabled Channel Access for Public Bus Network [A]. // Proc of Human Centered Computing (HCC) [C], Moratuwa, Sri Lanka: Springer, 2016:726-731.

[9] Zhu S, Guo C, Feng C,Liu X. Performance Analysis of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Vehicular Networks with Dense Traffic [A]. // Proc of the 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) [C], Nanjing, China: IEEE, 2016:1-6.

[10] Zhu S, Guo C, Feng C,Liu X. User Correlation and Double Threshold Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Dense Cognitive Vehicular Networks [A]. // Proc of the 13th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. (ISWCS) [C], Poznan, Poland: IEEE, 2016:281-285.

[11] Zhang L, Guo C,Liu X, Feng C. An Energy Efficient Cooperation Relay Scheduling Scheme in Multi-hop Cognitive Vehicular Networks [A]. // Proc of the International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Network (WCSN) [C], Wuhan, China: IEEE, 2014:468-473.

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